Return to Work: Safety Guidelines

Edge Legal

13 May 2020

Finally, some positive news. COVID-19 restrictions are planned to contingently ‘ease’over the next few months.

That means employers now need to start planning how to safely return to work with a particular emphasis on social distancing arrangements and general"COVIDSafety".Until these unique plans are developed, Working from Home should, where reasonably practicable, remain the first preference.

To assist, the National COVID-19 Coordination Commission has released a "planning tool" to help employers plan a safe return to work.Unfortunately, whilst a national approach has been attempted (and there are some key consistent themes –see discussion below) each particular state will still need to comply with the planning guidelines in each particular jurisdiction.Unfortunately, the currency of the information and resources available tend to be inconsistent.

Identify and Control Risk with consultation with your work group

look for potential opportunities for COVID-19 exposure to co-workers or from interactions with contractors, customers, clients, suppliers and members of the public as they carry out their specific duties and provide a corresponding control measure.Your hierarchy of controls is critical. Elimination through social isolation still remains your most effective control and should be the first available response,whereas the lowest level of control PPE (eg gloves, masks) should be a last resort. Ensure your business has a designated written process if there is an ‘outbreak’? When panic sets in –you need a plan!

Focus on Restart Requirements

determine what duties are critical to the restart. Consider staggering (start/ finish, days of the week etc).Some level of precision is required–measuring workspaces and determining appropriate personnel numbers, placing social distancing markers on the floor, posting signage, ensuring sufficient PPE and cleaning supplies, liaising with landlords and other tenants, developing and implementing awareness and other COVID-related training are likely factors for your workplace.

Maintaining Safety with New Requirements

here are likely going to be some pre-requisites, most of which have never been dealt with before in your workplace. Consultation is likely to relieve any unreasonable anxiety or opposition. Consider specialist cleaning regimes as well as health declarations by employees, carrying out temperature screening or heat sensitive cameras at workplace entry points, anti-body testing and medical examinations.


Regulators have been focused on staged approach contingent on meeting certain benchmarks. Employers should apply the same approach. Don’t rush the transition to the next stage without having reached your safety target. Make sure your plan is always consistent with the most up to date public health advice at the time.


'buy-in’ is critical. Keep your work groups updated as you go and encourage vigilance and self-compliance.

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